To all who visit: relax, enjoy and welcome to my life:

"Life is not of getting but of giving."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Conversations Over Cofee. book 3, Cover and beginning.



To my family, friends, little sisters, and those I have had the pleasure of having a cup of coffee with and babbling on about Life. It is a wonderful thing be it black or with sugar, cream or in any combination, just as Life is a wonderful journey.


This is a work of fiction, names and all that are not real, just made up in my silly little brain.

1 Tree of love

      The evening spring rain having stopped as the sun was setting. We, my friends and I sat around the coffee shop finishing our cake and drinking our coffee. I was enjoying the conversation, a myriad of ever changing topics. It was as diverse as the company of friends I sat with. A retired couple, enjoying watching their grandchildren, a young couple in their, must be, early 30's, a single mom and a man around 20 maybe 21. Yes, tonight had a diverse group chatting away and I was enjoying all the different points of view.
      The elderly lady, seeing me observing but not participating, brought me back to the table when she asked me, “So, Jack, what is love?” My answer was simple, “Love is a tree” I said. She looked at me slightly perplexed , and said “well go on, this should be good” she chuckled, thinking I was in the process of making a joke. Not knowing me too well, she did not yet understand, asking me to expand on a topic can be a long time consuming thing. So, I took a sip of coffee, lit a cigarette and started.
      “Love is a tree,” I said. Our own personal tree, which we tend and prune. When we are born, I believe, the little seedling, of love in us, takes root. At it's core is the love of the Father, from whom all love springs from. Since we are too young to nurture it or water it, our parents do that for us. Giving us their love, from their own trees , to nurture our trees to grow. As we grow, so does the roots of our tree dig deep and firmly into the soil of our being, our soul, becoming as firm and hearty as the oak or redwood. For it is trying to grow as our maker would has us be, tall and lush, basking in the light He provides.
      Now a tree has branches that stem from the main trunk. At the center of the trunk is our love of our Father. As a tree's age is told by its rings, so the first ring would be the love of our parents. 

LOL  Just the beginning I hope...