To all who visit: relax, enjoy and welcome to my life:

"Life is not of getting but of giving."

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ah spring, OK more is coming: a letter

Dear Friends,
     I realize I have not been posting much lately, truth be told, it's spring.  I am currently finishing the last two chapters of my second book, procrastination has been kicking my back side. And in the next week there should be some posts on what I consider to be fundemental to a long lasting sobriety.
The four types of sobriety, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. A key as to why I think some people never seem to grasp this way of life and you see so much heartbreak as a result.  It is realatively simple but until one knows, one doesn't know and is bound due to lack of knowledge and understanding, to make mistakes. But just knowing is not enough, one has to believe and take action for it to be effective.
     So in the next couple of days, I will be posting on all four and my experiences and belief brought about by my actions.

Love and Laughter


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Second Book is coming, hopefully sooner than later

Hello all,
     Well my next book will be coming soon, I hope.  The first one just flowed out, this second one is more a slow drip from a clogged coffee maker. It seems I get on a roll and then poof, I am lost out at sea, drifting from subject to subject.  But since it only took 51 years to do the first one, I should cut myself a little slack I guess. I will be looking for some proof readers and reviewers if anyone is interested, please let me know.
     Like the first one it is non fiction, a continuation of the first sort of. I told myself I would not start the third book, a fiction type, till the second was done and over with.  Oh well, guess what?  I lied to myself, and have already started the third, Premise is basically, a guy stuck between the eternal battle between good and evil. He and his companions fall into the grey area, and work to balance the scales between good and evil. Again will be looking for some to proof the first story, so any takers?

thanks all.
God Bless
With Love and Laughter